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Screamfest Articles

Indulge in compelling articles penned by the talented writers of Screamfest.
Top Four Shoestring Budget Horror Films
Making a film can be a daunting venture for most people. There will always be a reason (or many) to not do it.
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Top Five Christian Theology Horror Films of the 90's
The 1990’s are often thought of as having relatively little to contribute in the way of quality genre films. While I can see the truth in this, I think there were some very special and unique films to emerge from the decade, especially within the confines of the unique subgenres that emerged.
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The Real Unsolved Murders of Lake Bodom
During Screamfest 2016, a young actress by the name of Mimosa Willamo won our award for Best Actress for her performance in the Finnish film Lake Bodom, or simply Bodom, the third feature for talented director Taneli Mustonen.
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Top Five Gateway Horror Films
For almost any kid subjected to the public school system in the United States, you are probably fami
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Brian Yuzna: The Visceral Visionary
For anyone in or around the Los Angeles area next month, you can join Screamfest for our Fears & Beers double feature event on May 6, for a screening of the Brian Yuzna classics Bride of Re-animator and Society.
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The Spawn of a New Season: Babies of Horror
For the majority of the United States, spring has officially sprung. The weather is getting warmer, flowers are blooming, and the promise of new life is all around us.
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