Film Category
Mouse is a suspenseful psychological thriller that follows a young woman's perilous journey home through a city teeming with danger. As she navigates the treacherous night, the film invites audiences to confront their own biases about victimhood and culpability.
Film Category
La Croix
Stuck in traffic jams, in pouring rain, a young 27-year-old graphic designer named Jade receives a call from a client asking her to work on a new project as soon as possible. The young woman's attention is elsewhere, and she is seized by flashes that remind her of an esoteric ritual she recently performed with her friend, Julie. Invited at the time by Julie to come and recharge her batteries in Brittany, Jade had lost all inspiration. She could no longer work and fell into a deep depression. It was then that Jade learned of a powerful but forbidden ritual. The ritual of La Croix, linked to the Breton lighthouse of the same name. Julie tried to stop her, but ended up doing it with her friend. During the session, the desperate artist implores the return of lost inspiration, and has herself branded with the ritual's seal: a circled cross. But for some time now, strange things have been happening to her. Caught up in her thoughts, still at the wheel, she collides with a young woman with a hidden face, also marked with the Cross. While looking for the street name to inform the emergency services, Jade comes across an old woman at her window, staring at her menacingly. Panicked, Jade flees. Little by little, Jade comes to understand what kind of ritual she's really been performing, and what kind of old lady has seen her at the window.
Film Category
The Key Club
Val seems to be hitting it off with Chad on their first date. Unfortunately, these days, dating is torture…
Film Category
After suffering a terrible abuse at the hands of the priest of his church, Abraham finds himself immersed in a world of terror and confusion. Tormented by hallucinations and sinister presences, he struggles to escape the dark labyrinth of faith he once thought he knew. But as he confronts his deepest fears, he discovers that the true nightmare is about to begin.
Film Category
On his annual hunting trip to his childhood village, the skeptical Pathum learns about the tale of the Kura Raaksha, a hoofed-demon that is supposedly haunts the woods. His skepticism is soon put to the test as mysterious events occur and he realizes that some actions indeed have terrifying consequences.