On a dark and stormy night, a young babysitter, Julie and her boyfriend Karl fool around with the occult and inadvertently summon up a demon which possesses the family hamsters. Suddenly Julie and Karl find themselves fighting for their lives against a tiny furry, bloodthirsty supernatural evil from the very pits of Hell!
About the Director
Paul began his career as an illustrator in the UK, creating science fiction, fantasy and horror imagery for computers games, book and magazine covers....Read more
Paul began his career as an illustrator in the UK, creating science fiction, fantasy and horror imagery for computers games, book and magazine covers. After completing a Masters Degree in Computer Animation, he moved to New Zealand to work as a visual effects artist on Peter Jackon's The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Paul directed the short films Night of the Hell Hamsters, Eel Girl and The Naughty List, and the WW2 horror feature film The Devil's Rock. Read less