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Screenplay Finalists and Winner

2007 Screenplay Finalists & Winning Screenplay


Screamfest is pleased to announce the Winner of our 2007 screenplay competition. Congratulations!

2007 Screenplay Award Winner & Finalists


The Palace by Adam Aresty and Jon D. A.


Dead Rabbits by Asabi Lee & Paul Hart-Wilden
Just Listed by Stuart A. Creque
The Lost Disciple by David J. Campfield
Nadir by James P. Barker
The Palace by Adam Aresty and Jon D.A.


Ape Canyon by Ray Ramos
Children of the Night by Harry Basil
CL22V8:Clavical by John Paul Fiol
The Cow by Brian Cleveland and Jason Cleveland
Curse of the Flesh by Michael Lamb
Dead Rabbits by Asabi Lee & Paul Hart-Wilden
Eternal Twilight by Galen Young
Experimental by Kelly Parks
Far From Home by John P. Betz
The German Widow by Sharon Shipley
Gloria's Place by Steffen Kaminski
House Of Doors by Michael Kuciak
Judgmental by Stephany Folsom
Just Listed by Stuart A. Creque
The Lost Disciple by David J. Campfield
Nadir by James P. Barker
Nuclear Killer Squirrels by Johnny Luna and Carmen Qualley
Panic In Pod B by Timothy Gordon
The Palace by Adam Aresty and Jon D.A.
Reply All by Michael Raymond
Revelation by Anne Sagel
Strange Skies by Russell Sommers and Robert Sommers
The German Widow by Sharon Shipley
Unity by Eugene Langlais and Paul Langlais
Wild Dead by Michael Tanner
Wounded by Terek Puckett



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