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Lucky McKee is an award-winning screenwriter, director, and novelist best known for work in the horror genre, such as the 2002 cult hit May, the 2006 schoolgirl chiller The Woods and the notorious 2011 Sundance shocker The Woman. In 2006 McKee joined Showtimeʼs groundbreaking anthology series MASTERS OF HORROR directing the one hour original film “Sick Girl”. McKee also contributed a segment to the 2015 anthology film TALES OF HALLOWEEN....Read more
Lucky McKee is an award-winning screenwriter, director, and novelist best known for work in the horror genre, such as the 2002 cult hit May, the 2006 schoolgirl chiller The Woods and the notorious 2011 Sundance shocker The Woman. In 2006 McKee joined Showtimeʼs groundbreaking anthology series MASTERS OF HORROR directing the one hour original film “Sick Girl”. McKee also contributed a segment to the 2015 anthology film TALES OF HALLOWEEN. McKee has recently shifted his creative sights to noir-thrillers with BLOOD MONEY starring John Cusack and the upcoming KINDRED SPIRITS starring Caitlin Stasey, Thora Birch and Macon Blair. He has also co-authored 3 award-winning novels with Jack Ketchum: THE WOMAN, IʼM NOT SAM, and THE SECRET LIFE OF SOULS.