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Help, I'm Alien Pregnant

Film Info
Premiere Type
Premiere Type
LA Premiere
Film Category
Run Time
New Zealand
Directed by
Directed by
Produced by
Produced By
Morgan Leigh Stewart, Alix Whittaker, Ilai Amar
Written by
Written by
Main Cast
Main Cast
Hannah Lynch, Tandi Wright, Arlo Gibson
Mary feels alien pregnant, the doctor thinks it's probably allergies, only slime will tell.

Mary can feel strange things happening inside her body and thinks they might have something to do with her nervous not-so boyfriend Boo's alien penis. The doctor doesn't take her very seriously until one of her breasts swells up and squirts slime into her eye. Boo runs off rather than showing the doctors his alien junk, and Mary has to hijack an ultrasound session to get a picture of the thing growing inside her, which she uses to confront the growing assembly of dubious physicians. Boo eventually returns, reveals his mutated member, and Mary has to use her new-found voice to save him from becoming a science experiment. Then - in a torrent of phosphorescent slime that gets on everyone - Mary gives birth to hundreds of tiny alien lifeforms. She experiences a brief moment of wonder, then utters the film's final line: '...that's fucking fucked mate.'

About the Director