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Dead End (Doodeind)

Film Info
Premiere Type
Premiere Type
US Premiere
Film Category
Run Time
1 hour 30 min
Directed by
Directed by
Erwin van den Eshof
Produced by
Produced By
Nico Geusebroek, Sjef Scholte, Arno van Rossum, and Erwin van denEshof
Written by
Written by
Erwin van den Eshof
Main Cast
Main Cast
Alwien Tulner, Terence Schreurs, Victoria koblenko, Micha Hulshof, Aram van de Rest, Anniek Pheifer, Everon Jackson Hooi, Mads Wittermans, Perla Thissen, and Han Peekel
Seven young friends are on holiday in Scotland. One night they are attacked by dogs that force them to flee into an abandoned old house. Once inside they realize that the house is hardly a haven of refuge. Corridors shift and doors and walls become lethal objects. Slowly they learn about the curse that lives inside every room. What once was created out of a mother's love was turned into a source of grief and evil a long time ago. To leave the house alive, they need to stop the hurt that lies at the hart of the curse, in the centre of the house.

About the Director